Arad Building Inspection exists since 2001 and specializes in inspection of homes and apartments before and after purchase.
Amongst our clients are thousands of private home and apartments owners, and many buildings (common areas).
Also, amongst are clients are public and private buisnesses such as Bank Hapoalim, Israel Police Department, Cafe-Cafe, Toyota, malls, Office buildings and many more.
Our chief engineer has graduated in 1993 from F.A.U. in the US and his english is fluent.
We produce engineering reports both in Hebrew and English, depends on the client’s demand.
Home inspection before purchase
More then 30% of the homes and apartments in Israel suffer from wetness.
About 2% suffer from structural defficiency.
It is imperative to check the apartment before the purchase in order to avoid unneccarry anguish and costs.
Also, the inspection report serves as a negotiation tool where the sum of repairs can be asked to be deducted from the purchase or the repairs fixed by the seller.
The inspection is done by experienced engineeres (10-25 years experience) and with non-destructive state of the art equipment.
The reports produced include each deficiency (with relevant pictures), a quote from the relavant building code and a price estimate for each defficiency.
Other services offered for 2nd hand home buyers:
A price estimate of the apartment.
The legal status of the apartment.
An elcto-magnetic radiation inspection (cellular and electrical).
Radon gas inspection.
Negibors and neigborhood investigation.
Home inspection of new apartments after purchase
The law in Israel requires that the contractor shall fix any defficiencies or deviation from Israeli Building code.
The law also requires that the repairs shall be done in a reasonable time frame.
Our services include a thorough inspection done by experienced engineers (10-25 years experience) and non-destructive state of the art equipment.
The reports produced include each deficiency (with relevant pictures), a quote from the relavant building code and a price estimate.
The repotrs are in the format of expert’s opinion and are acceptable in courts.